What type of milk do we offer?
We offer A2/A2 raw unpasteurized milk from Jersey cows and A1/A2 raw unpasteurized milk from Ayrshire cows.
What is unpasteurized raw milk ?
Unpasteurized raw milk is milk that has not been heated to a specific temperature to kill any bacteria that may be present.
​Can customers pasteurize the milk they buy from us?
Yes! All of our jugs contain a label with directions on how to pasteurize the raw milk.
When is milk available and where can I sign up?
​The farm runs a seasonal milking program that takes place each spring and ends November 1st. Customers can choose to either purchase weekly during the open farm hours or be added to the honor store customers list. Honor store customers pick up at their leisure on their designated day each week. If you would like to be added to the list, please contact the farm.